Robyn Amenta

Founder & Therapist, The Chi Room

Our Story

Welcome, my name is Robyn, I am the owner and therapist at The Chi Room.

Most of my working life has been in corporate management, in various welfare industries.  In my early 50s, I realised I was stressed to the max, and having largely neglected myself and my health, my body and skin were in decline.  It is a common story for many women.  Regardless of the job you may or may not work in, often the raising of children, and other family obligations alone, result in women neglecting caring for themselves.

 So, a little over 12 years ago, I decided to do a major career change to something healthy, so I trained as a skin therapist.  Both the beauty and wellness industries were becoming big business and I found myself bombarded with a minefield of conflicting information, hype, and lies.  Big business is there to sell products!  The healthy career change was not feeling so healthy.  Even as a trained therapist, I was overwhelmed and confused, struggling to know what to believe in and whom to trust. 

Furthermore, the industry was predominantly intent on controlling the skin with harsh and invasive methods. With all my training, it seemed to me, the better philosophy was to work with the skin and our body’s natural systems, not against them. The body is an amazing and complex entity that given the right protection and nutrients it will generally find a good healthy balance. 

In my 30s, I trained in Tai Chi and Reiki, so I had an appreciation of the Eastern philosophy of medicine whereby the body is viewed as a fully integrated entity, contrary to Western medicine which focuses on and treats symptoms.  The combination of this training led to my passion to approach skin care in a natural and holistic manner.  I decided to combine ancient Eastern philosophies with the best of Western Science and Technology, hence, The Chi Room was born.

I have since furthered my training to include Acupressure and sound healing with Tibetan Singing bowls.  Both are wonderful modalities that I incorporate into my treatments to heal at a cellular level and promote a state of relaxation to further enhance the healing process.

By understanding and healing the body from within, that is at a cellular level, you will not only have healthy-looking skin, but actually healthy skin and you will slow down the aging process.

So, whether you are in your teens with all the skin issues from hormone activity, in your 30s or 40s to preserve your skin, or 50 plus to reverse the signs of aging and slow down the process of aging, I invite you to join me for a skin consultation and I hope to see you soon.


The Chi Room Philosophy

At The Chi Room we fully appreciate the wonderment of the human body and its ability to self-heal.  By incorporating mind, body, and spirit elements into our treatments, we provide a healing experience at the cellular level.

We embrace nature and work with nature.  We combine planteceuticals with ancient wisdoms from cultures from around the world, together with modern science and technology, to provide safe, results-driven treatments.

Lastly, we believe in educating and working with our customers in a collaborative approach to optimise their health & wellbeing.

Our Values

When you visit The Chi Room, we want you to leave the world and all its stresses behind.  Once here, it is all about you… no interruptions and no rush.

We provide care from the heart.

We only source products and work with suppliers who are ethical and share our value for the environment.